Bolt on Track Captures that 'One Moment'
Our LA sister company, Camera Control Inc., recently filmed the most technically difficult job ever undertaken. The shoot was for OK GO’s ‘One Moment’ music video. The group, famous for their painstakingly rehearsed choreography, pushed the limits of motion control that resulted in a visually stunning single high-speed shot.
The entire video lasts a total of 4.20 seconds! However, once slowed down and played back at 24 frames per second, the viewer is treated to a stunning display of technical wizardry from a wall of exploding paint to guitars being blown out of the air. In total, there are 318 events that had to be triggered!
The director and lead singer of the band said about the shoot:
“We used very precise digital triggers to set off several hundred events in extremely quick succession. The triggers were synchronised to high-speed robotic arms (Bolt on track) which whipped the cameras along the path of the action”
Watch behind the scenes video below to see how technical the shoot was and how precise it all had to be to make it work. This video would have been virtually impossible without the Bolt High-Speed CineBot on track and the software to program exact and repeatable moves.
Full credits and background notes for the video can be found by click here